jansche / AccessibleEvents

How to extend and transform events to happen online, in parts or entirely, in an accessible way.
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New Practice Submission #4

Closed truckerfling closed 3 years ago

truckerfling commented 4 years ago

Is your idea applying to a specific event categorisation? Online Provide at least one match for event types, or state ALL.

Describe the practice you'd like to see implemented or have already seen on events A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
NAME: Live and on-demand captioning WHAT: To make content more accessible to those with language barriers, hearing disabilities or any factors that affect understanding of content through listening BENEFICIARIES: Viewers who are not native speakers of the event's primary language TODO: Prioritize investment for a human captioner and/or prioritize platforms that allow for live captioning, TOOLS: SWHICH tools are getting used? A human captioner is best, but if you are short on budget there are other options. Microsoft Teams has the best live captioning, with options to live translate to up to 6 languages. Zoom, YouTube and Microsoft Stream allow for automatic transcription of recordings which can be help for on-demand. RESPONSIBILITIES: Who has to commit to it? Event organizer

Where and when have you seen it being implemented (if applicable) A date and event name, ideally with one or more links (event website, social media mentions of the practice, etc). Microsoft Tech Community APAC Online was my example, we took the additional step to correct the automatic transcriptions for accuracy and upload as on-demand videos. We were working with a diverse audience, across multiple languages and hence, saw a strong need for captioning to be provided https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbWhpxBHr6BVsZDbAcuJd6njEC1c5GjaB

Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the practice here.

jansche commented 4 years ago

Find people to give this practice a thumbs up/👍. As soon as we have a reasonable (>5 for now) number of "thumbs up"/👍 the practice gets promoted to ACCESSIBILITY_GUIDANCE.md

FloorD commented 4 years ago

👍 for captioning