jansel / opentuner

An extensible framework for program autotuning
MIT License
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SAWarning occurs during tutorial execution #167

Closed sato064 closed 3 months ago

sato064 commented 3 months ago

Hello. I'm currently running a tutorial(following tutorial document ) for opentuner learning. After minor source code changes to run, I was able to get opentuner to work, but I am getting the warning shown below.

/opentuner/search/driver.py:183: SAWarning: Object of type <DesiredResult> not in session, add operation along 'TuningRun.desired_results' will not proceed
  self.session.flush()  # populate configuration_id
[    13s]    INFO opentuner.search.plugin.DisplayPlugin: tests=8, best {'BLOCK_SIZE': 9}, cost time=0.2043, found by DifferentialEvolutionAlt
[    25s]    INFO opentuner.search.plugin.DisplayPlugin: tests=16, best {'BLOCK_SIZE': 9}, cost time=0.2043, found by DifferentialEvolutionAlt
[    34s]    INFO opentuner.search.plugin.DisplayPlugin: tests=28, best {'BLOCK_SIZE': 9}, cost time=0.2043, found by DifferentialEvolutionAlt
Optimal block size written to mmm_final_config.json: {'BLOCK_SIZE': 9}

I tried to resolve this warning, but could not. I would like to know how to resolve this warning. Below are the versions of Python and the libraries installed with pip.

asgiref             3.8.1
backports.zoneinfo  0.2.1
contourpy           1.1.1
cycler              0.12.1
Django              4.2.13
exceptiongroup      1.2.1
fonttools           4.51.0
future              1.0.0
greenlet            3.0.3
importlib_resources 6.4.0
iniconfig           2.0.0
kiwisolver          1.4.5
matplotlib          3.7.5
numpy               1.24.4
opentuner           0.8.8       /root/dev/opentuner
packaging           24.0
pillow              10.3.0
pip                 24.0
pluggy              1.5.0
pypandoc            1.13
pyparsing           3.1.2
pytest              8.2.0
python-dateutil     2.9.0.post0
setuptools          69.5.1
six                 1.16.0
SQLAlchemy          2.0.30
sqlparse            0.5.0
tomli               2.0.1
typing_extensions   4.11.0
wheel               0.43.0
zipp                3.18.1

Python 3.8.19

Thank you for your help.

jansel commented 3 months ago

Not sure about this one, I suspect a change in SQLAlchemy. It seems like things are working though, so perhaps this is safe to ignore...

sato064 commented 3 months ago

Thank you for your help ! I will let you know if I find anything out.