jansepke / anno-toolkit

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Feature request - filter by multiple upgrades #390

Open DreadIron23 opened 1 month ago

DreadIron23 commented 1 month ago

Hi, it would be nice if we can filter items by multiple attributes - with "or" or "and". E.g. I want to list all items for Grain Farm with productivity(order desc) and Workforce needed. Maybe list these first and after a line list rest of items for the Grain Farm.

Make filter more flexible 🙂

jansepke commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for submitting this idea. I have four possible soultions:

  1. enable multiselection for the "upgrade" filter, all selected values would be combined with "and" (see screenshot)
  2. enable multiselecton additionally for the "Building" filter
  3. additionally add a switch that switched between "or" and "and" mode
  4. somehow make it possible to decide for every filter value if it should be "and" or "or" combined

option 1. and 2. are easy to implement, 3. will take longer and 4. is very complex. would solution 1 or 2 be enough to solve your issues?
