jansmolders86 / mediacenterjs

A HTML/CSS/Javascript (NodeJS) based Media center
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Streaming output file... #65

Closed Karnith closed 10 years ago

Karnith commented 10 years ago

Hi Jan,

glad that the streaming is working while transcoding. I was looking through some of your code and noticed

startMovieStreaming = function(response, movieUrl, opts) { var outputPath = "./public/data/movies/output.mp4";

could I suggest naming the file the same as the session id? This would then enable multiple (distinct) sessions to the server with a file for each session (multi-user support). A cleanup job could then be ran to clear old and expired files.



jansmolders86 commented 10 years ago

Hej Matthew,

You are completely right, I still have some things to fix and add before I'm really done with the transcoding code. Playing on the fly transcoding video on Ios and Android is the next challenge. After that I'll start to implement your "file on ID based" idea so I can eventually build the option to share movies cross platform. was just happy the basic premise worked so I'd thought I'd share that. Thanks for all your help man!


Karnith commented 10 years ago

Not a problem. For ios, you will more than likely need to do hls streaming. With hls, there is an option "cache:" which will write to a file as it trancodes and streams. This file is then used for seek. Android should be able to play mp4 with html5. Have a happy new year.

-------- Original message -------- From: Jan Smolders Date:12/28/2013 04:48 (GMT-08:00) To: jansmolders86/mediacenterjs Cc: Matthew Marino Subject: Re: [mediacenterjs] Streaming output file... (#65)

Hej Matthew,

You are completely right, I still have some things to fix and add before I'm really done with the transcoding code. Playing on the fly transcoding video on Ios and Android is the next challenge. After that I'll start to implement your "file on ID based" idea so I can eventually build the option to share movies cross platform. was just happy the basic premise worked so I'd thought I'd share that. Thanks for all your help man!


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jansmolders86 commented 10 years ago

Cool Thanks man, I'll definitely try that! Happy new year to you too!