jantenhove / GoodWeLogger

ESP8266 based logger for GoodWe inverters. Can upload to pvoutput and publishes MQTT topics
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Getting E-Total [solved] #17

Closed richardmh closed 5 years ago

richardmh commented 5 years ago


This works great on my GW10KN-DT to MQTT but I would also like to get the E-Total but so far not successful. Main trouble is your code is far too clever for me and I don't really understand it, but this is what I did so far:

set isDTseries to true so am getting all values correctly added some new vars and mqtt topic lines, and I am getting new data...

in goodWeCommunicator.cpp starting about line 346

//TODO: Get the other values too
// inverter->temp = bytesToFloat(data + dtPtr, 10);   dtPtr += inverter->isDTSeries ? 34 : 26; //orig
//new other values below
inverter->temp = bytesToFloat(data + dtPtr, 10); dtPtr += 2;
dtPtr += 4;  //skip over error msg H & L
inverter->etoth = bytesToFloat(data + dtPtr, 10);    dtPtr += 2;
inverter->etotl = bytesToFloat(data + dtPtr, 10);    dtPtr += 2;
inverter->htoth = bytesToFloat(data + dtPtr, 10);    dtPtr += 2;
inverter->htotl = bytesToFloat(data + dtPtr, 10);    dtPtr += 2;
dtPtr += inverter->isDTSeries ? 20 : 12 ; //skip over next fault messages
//new other values above
inverter->eDay = bytesToFloat(data + dtPtr, 10);

I realise that h & l must be combined somehow into the vars eTotal and hTotal you already provided but I thought I would start by just replicating your code to see what I got but the resulting data makes no sense: etoth = 0.0 etotl = 504.5 Inverter screen shows 7401.6 kWh

Help so I can get the proper values would be most welcome!



jantenhove commented 5 years ago

Instead of using bytesToFloat on etoth and etotl, you need to shift the high bytes in front off the low bytes. Something like (typed without checking syntax): float eTotal = float(((unsigned int)etoth[0] << 24) | ((unsigned int)etoth[1] << 16) | ((unsigned int)etotl[1] << 8) | etotl[1])

richardmh commented 5 years ago

Excellent, THANKYOU, it works. (Still don't really understand bit shifting and xORing though).

For the record, this is what I did:

//TODO: Get the other values too
// inverter->temp = bytesToFloat(data + dtPtr, 10); dtPtr += inverter->isDTSeries ? 34 : 26; //orig
//new other values below
inverter->temp = bytesToFloat(data + dtPtr, 10); dtPtr += 2;
dtPtr += 4;  //skip over error msg H & L
inverter->eTotal = fourBytesToFloat(data + dtPtr, 10);    dtPtr += 4;
inverter->hTotal = fourBytesToFloat(data + dtPtr, 1);    dtPtr += 4;
dtPtr += inverter->isDTSeries ? 20 : 12 ; //skip over next fault messages
//new other values above
inverter->eDay = bytesToFloat(data + dtPtr, 10);        

and the new function fourBytesToFloat looks like:

float GoodWeCommunicator::fourBytesToFloat(char * bt, char factor)
//convert 4 byte to float by converting to int and then dividing it by factor
return float( ((unsigned int)bt[0] << 24) | ((unsigned int)bt[1] << 16) | ((unsigned int)bt[2] << 8) | bt[3]) / factor;

Obviously there are one or two further things to do - set up MQTTPublisher.cpp for eTotal and hTotal but the others will show up at compile.
