[ ] pep8 compliant with some exceptions (see pytest.ini)
[ ] 100% test coverage with pytest (with valid tests). If you have difficulty
writing tests for the code, that's fine, just mention that in the summary and either
ask for assistance, or clarify that you'd like someone else to handle the tests. PRs that
include complete test coverage will usually be merged faster.
[ ] Complete, correctly-formatted documentation for all classes, functions and methods.
[ ] documentation has been rebuilt with tox -e docs
[ ] Connections to the AWS services should only be made by the class's
connect() and connect_resource() methods, inherited from
[ ] All modules should have (and use) module-level loggers.
[ ] Commit messages should be meaningful, and reference the Issue number
if you're working on a GitHub issue (i.e. "issue #x - "). Please
refrain from using the "fixes #x" notation unless you are sure that the
the issue is fixed in that commit.
[ ] Git history is fully intact; please do not squash or rewrite history.
Contributor License Agreement
By submitting this work for inclusion in awslimitchecker, I agree to the following terms:
The contribution included in this request (and any subsequent revisions or versions of it)
is being made under the same license as the awslimitchecker project (the Affero GPL v3,
or any subsequent version of that license if adopted by awslimitchecker).
My contribution may perpetually be included in and distributed with awslimitchecker; submitting
this pull request grants a perpetual, global, unlimited license for it to be used and distributed
under the terms of awslimitchecker's license.
I have the legal power and rights to agree to these terms.
Adds support for EBS Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2) volumes and updates io1 volume limits based on AWS EBS Service limits
Pull Request Checklist
tox -e docs
methods, inherited from awslimitchecker.connectable.ConnectableContributor License Agreement
By submitting this work for inclusion in awslimitchecker, I agree to the following terms: