jantman / vagrant-r10k

UNSUPPORTED - SEEKING MAINTAINER - Vagrant middleware plugin to retrieve puppet modules using r10k.
MIT License
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Modules from svn copied twice #8

Closed Robbe64 closed 9 years ago

Robbe64 commented 9 years ago

If I add a module in the Puppetfile which is located in a svn repository the module is checked out twice. First in the defined module_path and second in dhe puppet_dir.

My r10k config in the Vagrantfile contains this: config.r10k.puppet_dir = "." config.r10k.puppetfile_path = "Puppetfile" config.r10k.module_path = "r10k_modules/"

jantman commented 9 years ago

Hmm... the multiple deploys issue is related to #1 in https://github.com/jantman/vagrant-r10k/issues/7#issuecomment-91508411 but I've never seen it do that in two different directories before. I'll dig into this later today. Thanks for reporting it.

@Robbe64 if you don't mind, could you please confirm your Vagrant, Ruby and OS versions, and also run that command (vagrant up I assume) prefixed with VAGRANT_LOG=debug and post the output in a gist? Thanks.

Robbe64 commented 9 years ago

I'm using windows 7, ruby 2.2.0, Vagrant 1.7.2 I will add the logfile later.

jantman commented 9 years ago

@Robbe64 also, what virtualization provider are you using? If you could upload your Vagrantfile (with any confidential information removed), it might prove helpful.

Robbe64 commented 9 years ago

I'm using VirtualBox 4.3.22.

My Vagrantfile:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
    config.vm.box = "ubuntu1404"
config.vm.box_url = "https://oss-binaries.phusionpassenger.com/vagrant/boxes/latest/ubuntu-14.04-amd64-vbox.box"
config.vm.network "private_network", ip: ""
    # https://github.com/jantman/vagrant-r10k
    config.r10k.puppet_dir = "."
    config.r10k.puppetfile_path = "Puppetfile"
    config.r10k.module_path = "r10k_modules/"

config.vm.provision "puppet" do |puppet|
    puppet.manifests_path = "."
    puppet.manifest_file  = "init.pp"
    puppet.module_path = ["../modules/", "r10k_modules/"] 
    puppet.facter = {
        # Specifying the proxy environment variables this way is a work around.  
        # The work around can be removed when this issue is fixed https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/issues/2270
        "anything=anything http_proxy= https_proxy= anything" => "anything"
jantman commented 9 years ago

@Robbe64 would it be possible to get that debug-level logfile, preferably in a clean environment (i.e. none of the r10k-managed modules checked out yet)?

jantman commented 9 years ago

This should be fixed by #9 / #23 though they're not released yet. I've also added an acceptance test for it.