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Backstage OAuth #17

Closed sabre1041 closed 1 year ago

sabre1041 commented 1 year ago

Builds upon #16 to add OAuth support

Deployment Steps

  1. Deploy an instance of RHSSO to support backstage as described in #18
  2. Execute the following command to deploy backstage with OAuth support targeting RHSSO deployed in step 1.
helm upgrade -i backstage charts/assemble-backstage/ --set oauth.clientId=$(oc get secrets -n backstage keycloak-client-secret-backstage -o jsonpath='{ .data.CLIENT_ID }' | base64 -d) --set oauth.clientSecret=$(oc get secrets -n backstage keycloak-client-secret-backstage -o jsonpath='{ .data.CLIENT_SECRET }' | base64 -d) --set oauth.issuerUrl=https://<KEYCLOAK_HOST>/auth/realms/backstage --set backstage.baseUrl=https://backstage-backstage.<OCP_APPS_SUBDOMAIN> -n backstage --set oauth.enabled=true

A custom image with backstage OAuth support has been created and can be targeted by passing the following parameters --set image.repository=quay.io/ablock/backstage --set image.tag=oauth