januslo / react-native-bluetooth-escpos-printer

React-Native plugin for the bluetooth ESC/POS & TSC printers.
MIT License
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Print a whole text #161

Open Mhubris opened 2 years ago

Mhubris commented 2 years ago

I'm developing an application where I receive base64 encoded escpos receipts form an invoice program and I need to print it. When I decode the base 64 file, I've something like that: `@ a1! AAAA.PT !Mais que um cliente... um amigo !

DAVID M. E. FERNANDES !Rua Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen 12 Lj. B Tel.: +351 210 179 219 Tlm.: +351 913 338 680

a1a0@a (k1A2(k1C(k1E1(k¸1P0A:209724552B:516050753C:PTD:RGE:NF:20210713G:RG 01P2021/64H:0I1:0N:0.00O:0.00P:0.00Q:tOkkR:2230S: (k1Q0a0

a1tOkk-Processado por programa certificado n. 2230/AT a0 a1Operador: Catia Cleto`

Then I want to send all this text to the printer since it already contains the metadata of an escpos file. How can I do that?