januslo / react-native-bluetooth-escpos-printer

React-Native plugin for the bluetooth ESC/POS & TSC printers.
MIT License
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How to auto detect and paired old device via bluetooth #177

Open Frankiz123 opened 2 years ago

Frankiz123 commented 2 years ago

hi @januslo this is the best printer library I used I want to know how can we detect in useEffect if old device exist then auto scan and paired user don't need to scan and paired again and again to take prints like our wifi on mobiles works kindly help me out on this issue and why this library not work for Star Printers one of my clients wants this liabrary to work on star printers used in USA

Topandhi commented 2 years ago

I am using react native asycn storage to store address of connected bluetooth, then paired it in useEffect, this works in my case.

bad english