Open savageangelz opened 5 years ago
Found the solution for this problem, falling back to 0.0.4 resolve the error. Looking forward for the bugfix! (Y)
what is your RN version, 0.0.4-0.0.5 just update example RN version to 0.57.8, nothing more.
I have same problems
Sorry. I forgot to run to android... It solved after I re-run to android
I am facing the same issues for a month now. Please I need help, using it for a vital project.
My RN version is "react-native": "0.65.1",
hello, i added your package through yarn add, does adding that way causing the library to break or something?
i don't really use BluetoothTscPrinter on my screen, even tho i excluded it. the error came from index.js in the library.
my `package com.rnfirebasedemo;
import com.facebook.react.ReactApplication; import cn.jystudio.bluetooth.RNBluetoothEscposPrinterPackage; import com.learnium.RNDeviceInfo.RNDeviceInfo; import com.oblador.vectoricons.VectorIconsPackage; import com.kishanjvaghela.cardview.RNCardViewPackage; import com.swmansion.gesturehandler.react.RNGestureHandlerPackage; import com.facebook.react.ReactNativeHost; import com.facebook.react.ReactPackage; import; import com.facebook.soloader.SoLoader;
import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List;
public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
private final ReactNativeHost mReactNativeHost = new ReactNativeHost(this) { @Override public boolean getUseDeveloperSupport() { return BuildConfig.DEBUG; }
@Override public ReactNativeHost getReactNativeHost() { return mReactNativeHost; }
@Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); SoLoader.init(this, / native exopackage / false); } } `
my `package com.rnfirebasedemo; import android.content.Intent;
import com.facebook.react.ReactActivity;
public class MainActivity extends ReactActivity { /**
Would be grateful if anyone could provide any solution for this. thanks!