janusw / Camera.Maui

A CameraView Control for .NET Maui
MIT License
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Fix preview orientation on iOS #20

Closed janusw closed 3 months ago

janusw commented 3 months ago

This fixes #19 by using UIInterfaceOrientation instead of UIDeviceOrientation. Tested on iOS 16.7.6 and 17.4 (with an iPhone and iPad).

It also extends the test app to allow all four interface orientations on iPhones (PortraitUpsideDown was missing).

janusw commented 3 months ago

Note: The GHA build shows the warning

This call site is reachable on: 'iOS' 11.0 and later, 'maccatalyst' 13.0 and later.
'UIApplication.Windows' is obsoleted on:
'ios' 15.0 and later (Use 'UIWindowScene.Windows' in the desired window scene object instead.),
'maccatalyst' 15.0 and later (Use 'UIWindowScene.Windows' in the desired window scene object instead.).

However, the call still seems to work on iOS 16 & 17.

janusw commented 3 months ago

Moreover, on the same line, there also is this warning:

This call site is reachable on: 'iOS' 11.0 and later, 'maccatalyst' 13.0 and later.
'UIWindow.WindowScene' is only supported on: 'ios' 13.0 and later.

I think the warning is incorrect, because the line is guarded by OperatingSystem.IsIOSVersionAtLeast(13). AFAICS this is due to the following diagnostic bug: https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn-analyzers/issues/7239 See also: https://github.com/dotnet/maui/issues/21106

janusw commented 3 months ago

Note: The GHA build shows the warning

This call site is reachable on: 'iOS' 11.0 and later, 'maccatalyst' 13.0 and later.
'UIApplication.Windows' is obsoleted on:
'ios' 15.0 and later (Use 'UIWindowScene.Windows' in the desired window scene object instead.),
'maccatalyst' 15.0 and later (Use 'UIWindowScene.Windows' in the desired window scene object instead.).

However, the call still seems to work on iOS 16 & 17.

This deprecation warning is fixed in commit 062e8dc3ac59fecc00385fc38a0b5bec38fcc9f4 via the method used in https://www.delasign.com/blog/swift-device-orientation/. This should make the code more future-proof.

As before, I tested this on iOS 16 & 17 (with the front and back camera).