When trying to build the call-stack graph with cargo +nightly call-stack --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --bin confertus > cg.dot on my project confertus, the following error resulted:
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no stack usage information for `_init`
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no type information for `_init`
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no stack usage information for `_start`
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no type information for `_start`
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no stack usage information for `deregister_tm_clones`
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no type information for `deregister_tm_clones`
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no stack usage information for `register_tm_clones`
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no type information for `register_tm_clones`
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no stack usage information for `__do_global_dtors_aux`
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no type information for `__do_global_dtors_aux`
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no stack usage information for `frame_dummy`
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no type information for `frame_dummy`
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no stack usage information for `__rust_probestack`
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no type information for `__rust_probestack`
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no stack usage information for `__libc_csu_init`
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no type information for `__libc_csu_init`
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no stack usage information for `__libc_csu_fini`
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no type information for `__libc_csu_fini`
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no stack usage information for `_fini`
[2022-07-14T11:51:44Z WARN cargo_call_stack] no type information for `_fini`
thread 'main' panicked at 'BUG: callee `malloc` is unknown', /home/fkarg/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/cargo-call-stack-0.1.11/src/main.rs:749:25
(It requested --target explicitly for some reason, I followed installation and example usage as written otherwise)
When trying to build the call-stack graph with
cargo +nightly call-stack --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --bin confertus > cg.dot
on my projectconfertus
, the following error resulted:(It requested
explicitly for some reason, I followed installation and example usage as written otherwise)