jaquadro / StorageDrawers

A mod adding compartmental storage for Minecraft Forge
MIT License
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[Bug, 1.10.2-3.5.17] Minecraft Glas/EnderIO Quite Clear Glass #429

Open samtrion opened 7 years ago

samtrion commented 7 years ago

Currently there is the problem with the version 1.10.2-3.5.17 that Minecraft glass blocks (minecraft:glass) and Ender IO Quite Clear Glass blocks (enderio:blockFusedQuartz:1) are converted in StorageDrawer. Although both block types are available individually in the drawers.

This results in the additional processing step of 3 Minecraft glass blocks being skipped in the Alloy Smelter.

Is there a way to exclude a conversion for single blocks?

codewarrior0 commented 7 years ago

If you have drawers locked and allocated for both glass types, the controller should always put each glass in the correct drawer. That is, it prefers an exact match over an oredict conversion if possible. You might have found a regression since this feature was introduced back in SD 1.7.8

Though, if you have Chisel in your pack, you can also use that to convert between the two.

samtrion commented 7 years ago

All my drawer are locked, but it happens again and again.

Unfortunately, this behavior is also occurs several times in the current LetsPlay Serie from DireWolf20.

codewarrior0 commented 7 years ago

There is a config option oreBlacklist that you can use to exclude blockGlass from the automatic conversion.

jaquadro commented 7 years ago

Glass is supposed to be blacklisted natively, but I have the wrong key for it. Will get fixed for the next release, but you can add it to your own config as noted.

jaquadro commented 7 years ago

I double-checked. "glass", "blockGlass", and "paneGlass" are all supposed to be blacklisted out the gate. If it's still converting them, I'd like a dump of your entire ore dictionary registry. I'm not sure the best way to get that in 1.10.2.

samtrion commented 7 years ago

Okay, found the culprint. It's the "blockGlassColorless" oreDict entry. There are now more blockGlass ... entries, based on colors.

Maybe you can add blockGlass/paneGlass as starting string into the blacklist?

jaquadro commented 7 years ago

Yeah I do have prefix blacklisting for that purpose.

Lethann commented 7 years ago

Just wanted to pipe in here that running this on a private server, Storage Drawer 3.6.1, and this is still happening. I use a combined Refined Storage and Storage drawers system.

I just checked this on a sandbox mode, if you add the glass manually to the controller then it sorts it correctly. However piping it in via Refined Storage "External Storage" means it converts it to QCG. Exporting from Refined Storage "Exporter" with whitelisted items they are NOT converted. Piping this in from a chest via EnderIO conduit does NOT auto convert. So I guess it's something going on with the External Storage port on Refined Storage?

siccaxe commented 7 years ago

Just want to note that I'm having this issue as well, using the enderio inventory panel to insert items into the drawer controller. 3.7.1