jaraco / irc

Full-featured Python IRC library for Python.
MIT License
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regarding jaraco libraries #122

Closed kutu closed 7 years ago

kutu commented 7 years ago

please add empty __init__.py file inside jaraco folder when installing via pip install irc without that file jaraco package not being recognized as a python package, and for example cx_Freeze can't include it correctly when freezing application

jaraco commented 7 years ago

jaraco is a namespace package, and thus should not have the __init__ (per PEP 420 and pip conventions). But if you look at the source, the file is there and it has a declare_namespace directive in it. It's pip that removes that file. You probably need to file a ticket with cx_Freeze to have it load the metadata for the installed packages to determine which packages are namespace packages.

jaraco commented 7 years ago

If you do find a jaraco.* package that doesn't have a jaraco/__init__.py in the source, that's a bug. But I don't think you'll find such a thing.