jaraco / irc

Full-featured Python IRC library for Python.
MIT License
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Docs no longer render module docstrings #98

Closed jaraco closed 8 years ago

jaraco commented 8 years ago

While working on #93, I discovered that the documentation strings found in modules aren't rendering in the sphinx docs. The error shows up in the build logs:

/Users/jaraco/Dropbox/code/main/irc/docs/irc.rst:25: WARNING: autodoc: failed to import module 'irc.client'; the following exception was raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/sphinx/ext/autodoc.py", line 386, in import_object
  File "/Users/jaraco/Dropbox/code/main/irc/irc/client.py", line 69, in <module>
    from jaraco.stream import buffer
ImportError: No module named 'jaraco.stream'

The problem is that the build_sphinx command supplied by Sphinx for distutils doesn't load a project's dependencies when it runs itself.