jaraco / svg.charts

SVG Charting Library for Python
MIT License
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No pictures :( #6

Closed jaraco closed 8 years ago

jaraco commented 9 years ago

Originally reported by: anatoly techtonik (Bitbucket: techtonik, GitHub: techtonik)

It is strange that chart drawing library doesn't have a gallery of stuff to choose from.

jaraco commented 9 years ago

Original comment by anatoly techtonik (Bitbucket: techtonik, GitHub: techtonik):

I determined that I need a more high level instruments that are not that hard to produce example output with - http://interactive.blockdiag.com/ http://pygal.org/ and http://www.johnnovak.net/twyg/ so I will probably stick with them for now. blockdiag both produces SVG and has a good integration with Sphinx and other tools

jaraco commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Jason R. Coombs (Bitbucket: jaraco, GitHub: jaraco):

When I created this library, I had some specific use cases for it. I no longer have access to those examples. I also modeled it against the perl library as indicated in the docs.that library had some examples are, so those might be useful. There are also examples generated in the package itself. I just don't have a good way to publish those with the documentation.

May I suggest instead of filing a ticket with the Sphinx project that you investigate the state of the art and determine what needs to happen to support a use case like this? For example, if you were to find a way to publish the examples in the repository to just thinks documentation, that would be great. At the time I built the documentation, SVG support was pretty poor in most browsers.

For example, if you were to find a way to publish the examples in the repository to just thinks documentation, that would be great. At the time I built the documentation, SVG support was pretty poor in most browsers.

There is plenty of work to be done and identifying the issues is 1% of the problem. Drafting an implementation would be loads better.

jaraco commented 9 years ago

Original comment by anatoly techtonik (Bitbucket: techtonik, GitHub: techtonik):

I haven't had the time to produce the examples or render them in the documentation or learn how to incorporate them into the published documentation.

But you used this library for something, right? It is not about some baked examples. Just show how what is possible with that lib.

Also, should I raise the issue about usability and understanding of including images into docs with Sphinx?

jaraco commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Jason R. Coombs (Bitbucket: jaraco, GitHub: jaraco):

Hi Anatoly. I'm not sure what you're trying to ask.

I've put together svg.charts with what time I've been able to muster. I personally wish it had better documentation including example output. However, I haven't had the time to produce the examples or render them in the documentation or learn how to incorporate them into the published documentation.

Again, I welcome if someone has the time and energy to add this functionality. If that person is you, please don't hesitate to lay out a plan and ask for help.

jaraco commented 9 years ago

Original comment by anatoly techtonik (Bitbucket: techtonik, GitHub: techtonik):

Do you contribute to every graphic library that doesn't have examples of output?

jaraco commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Jason R. Coombs (Bitbucket: jaraco, GitHub: jaraco):

Contributions welcome