jarad / FluSight

An R package containing functions used in the CDC Flu Forecasting competition
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Initial commit of verification, target creation, and scoring programs #1

Closed craigjmcgowan closed 7 years ago

craigjmcgowan commented 7 years ago

Here are the programs I've started working on. In decreasing order of completion:

verify_forecasts: takes a data frame of a team's submission and a data frame of the template and verifies forecasts are in the correct place and values submitted are plausible. Warns about NA's but does not create an error for them.

bin_score: takes a data frame of a team's submission and a data frame of correct values. Currently the submission date needs to be added on to the team's submission - I'm thinking this could be added to the verify_forecasts file easily.

create_targets: either pulls data from FluView or takes a submitted data frame of ILINet values and creates targets. This needs a lot of work still but is based off the program I used to generate weekly targets for the 15/16 challenge scoring.