jaranvil / CraftNanny

[PHP/MySQL] Control and monitor minecraft through ComputerCraft
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Added PressurePipes Support #25

Closed p-sodmann closed 8 years ago

p-sodmann commented 8 years ago

Added Support for Pressure Pipes and recognition of the kind of Tank that is added. Also simplified the side detection.


jaranvil commented 8 years ago

That's awesome. I'll give her a test run later today and merge it with the live code. All running in-game modules will update themselves.

p-sodmann commented 8 years ago

If i find the time i will probably add support for the Project Red redstone cables, at least client sided ;)

p-sodmann commented 8 years ago

For some reason github behaves strange... you can test my live version with the following installer: http://pastebin.com/Ja5bQSqT

jaranvil commented 8 years ago

I installed the module with a OpenBlocks water tank. It updates once, then the program just terminates. Also, why did you remove computer labeling in your installer?

p-sodmann commented 8 years ago

it could be due to that i used the older installer.lua version. i didnt change anything in there though.

havent tried it with OpenBlocks, buildcraft tanks and PressurePipes are working though. I also included support for multiple tanks but this is rather experimental since the website supports only one tank per computer.

jaranvil commented 8 years ago

I'll test it out with some other mods. You might want to grab an updated installer if you want to use your own.

I can add multiple tank support to the website, also any other modules or updates you're thinking of. I'm much more comfortable on the web side.

p-sodmann commented 8 years ago

I just modified the github link for my fluid script in the installer because of more comfort in testing out the script.

I will check out what is going wrong with the OpenBlocks tanks, are there more tanks that should i consider testing?

If i stumble upon things i need for my server, i will add the modules needed like e.g. Railcraft (when i have finally understood it) or ICBM when the development goes on :smile_cat:

EDIT: The Script works for me, do you have an error message?

jaranvil commented 8 years ago

Sorry I'm taking a while to get back to you, been working on another project. I tried it with openBlocks, ender tank, and railcraft iron tank. For all three, on the second loop the program terminates. No errors, just as if the code had completed executing.

Modules for railcraft and ICBM would be awesome! I'm working on one now for BigReactors. Demethan and I are always on breakfastcraft.com IRC #breakfast, if you ever want to chat there.

p-sodmann commented 8 years ago

ohh my mistake, i forgot to mention that i disabled the loop for testing purposes. It is much easier to see if it works if you can reload the file without entering the password over and over again.

i will join you later on irc.

jaranvil commented 8 years ago

I copied the code into the dev branch