jarcane / handhRL

A simple roguelike based on the Hulks and Horrors tabletop RPG written with Python 2.7 and libtcod
GNU General Public License v3.0
11 stars 1 forks source link

Add Linux binaries #13

Open jarcane opened 10 years ago

jarcane commented 10 years ago

I'd like to add Linux binaries at some point in the future. This will mean learning cx_freeze and adding the Linux libraries to the repo, but hopefully the experience won't be too painful.

jarcane commented 10 years ago

I've added a shell script that should streamline the process of running handhRL direct from the scripts (basically just configuring the directory for the right version of libtcod, but I wasn't able to get cx_Freeze to install so no dedicated binaries just yet.

jarcane commented 10 years ago

In addition to the problems with getting cx_freeze to install on my Debian install, it seems there's also an incompatibility between cx_Freeze and shelve, which we're using for the saves.

So if we want Linux binaries, and faster binaries on Windows, we have to dump shelve.