jaredden1 / Get-Me-Fit-App

Get Me Fit
MIT License
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Reflection / Future Summary - AAG #22

Open harrymohney opened 1 year ago

harrymohney commented 1 year ago
  1. Communication is key for strong teamwork - making sure everyone is aware of what is being worked on to avoid any merge conflicts or branches being overwritten.
  2. Strong planning - knowing what we need to do and breaking it up into smaller tasks for the team to work through.
  3. Github conflicts - having the confidence/knowledge to know how to handle them - working together as a team to minimize error.
  4. Taking your time, clarifying with your team if you have questions, checking in with instructors/ superiors when applicable or blocked.
krabecb commented 1 year ago

Git Fit (Harry, Dustin, James, JT) Heroku: https://get-me-fit-dev-2b4dfc1e9975.herokuapp.com/ PROJECT PASSED Instructional Glow: README, Love love the styling, background “fills” the application space! Very thought out, great work getting all this done in a week! Hover animations! Instructional Grow: Accessibility colors/opacity/fonts, date formatting in create. Nutrition data and nutrition-centric APIs would be a great addition! Forms/content area could probably be wider for desktop view. Probably a detail page for notes (giant wall of text). Cardio conditional rendering. Mobile media queries. Team members with fewer commits should drive first.