jaredhanson / passport-http

HTTP Basic and Digest authentication strategies for Passport and Node.js.
MIT License
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Handle = in urls when generating creds #1

Closed awick closed 12 years ago

awick commented 12 years ago

Parse of

username=foo, realm="Users", nonce="C8KaC3ZZ1Z0EkU5cET3ACWVB5xYXhm1r", uri="/sessions.json?sEcho=2&iColumns=12", response="dcf32010f6b88a29cf51086f0929911a", qop=auth, nc=000001b6, cnonce="886127dfc73d3a5d"

would generate bad uri

username="foo", realm="Users", nonce="C8KaC3ZZ1Z0EkU5cET3ACWVB5xYXhm1r", uri="/sessions.json?sEcho="2&iColumns=12"", response="dcf32010f6b88a29cf51086f0929911a", qop="auth", nc="000001b6", cnonce="886127dfc73d3a5d"

jaredhanson commented 12 years ago

Thanks for the patch! I've merged this into the digest-ha1 branch, and will be moving it to master soon. Do you know of any definitive spec on the ha1 algorithm? A quick Google search didn't turn up anything obvious, and I'd like to make note of something in the documentation.


jaredhanson commented 12 years ago

Nevermind. Just reread the patch more carefully. My question doesn't make sense.

jaredhanson commented 12 years ago

Merged and published to npm as passport-http v0.1.4.

jaredhanson commented 12 years ago

Heads up: I just published passport-http v0.2.0 which optimizes the callbacks used in the Digest strategy. It's detailed in the README, but they now look like this:

passport.use(new DigestStrategy({ qop: 'auth' },
  function(username, done) {
    User.findOne({ username: username }, function (err, user) {
      if (err) { return done(err); }
      if (!user) { return done(null, false); }
      return done(null, user, user.password);
  function(params, done) {
    // validate nonces as necessary
    done(null, true)

Basically, user now gets supplied by the first "secret" callback, and the final callback (which is optional), is just used to check nones and the like. This also eliminates the redundant query by username needed in the two callbacks in the 0.1.x strain.