Open ORESoftware opened 9 years ago
I tried this, and it didn't seem to work :(
passport.use(new LinkedInStrategy({
consumerKey: linkedinConfig.clientId,
consumerSecret: linkedinConfig.clientSecret,
callbackURL: serverBaseUrl + '/auth/linkedin/callback',
state: true, // <<<<
passReqToCallback : true //passes req as first argument to callback function
perhaps Jared you could answer the question here (I didn't ask the original question):
This is a support question, please forgive me for asking here -
I have this code:
Linkedin is throwing up an error saying
{ [CSRF Alert: Possible CSRF attack, state parameters do not match.] name: 'CSRF Alert' }
according to the Linkedin developer docs, we should pass in a state query param, like so:
sample call:
however, it seems like this lib would have to take care of it somehow?
Could you please pass on any info so that I can take of this? thanks