jaredhanson / passport-local

Username and password authentication strategy for Passport and Node.js.
MIT License
2.74k stars 498 forks source link

Error: Unknown task "default" #111

Closed blrenky closed 9 years ago

blrenky commented 9 years ago

david@Cloud1:/home/core/jake$ jake jake aborted. Error: Unknown task "default" at TaskBase.nextPrereq (/usr/lib/nodejs/jake/task/task.js:141:15) at TaskBase.runPrereqs (/usr/lib/nodejs/jake/task/task.js:116:12) (See full trace by running task with --trace) david@Cloud1:/home/core/jake$ sudo make install /bin/sh: 4: npm: not found Makefile:29: recipe for target 'install' failed make: *\ [install] Error 127 david@Cloud1:/home/core/jake$ ls bin docs jake.bat lib Makefile package.json site changelog.md jake Jakefile LICENSE node_modules README.md test david@Cloud1:/home/core/jake$ jake -f db/seed.js seed jake aborted. Error: No Jakefile. Specify a valid path with -f/--jakefile, or place one in the current directory. at api.fail (/usr/lib/nodejs/jake/api.js:326:18) at EventEmitter.utils.mixin.run (/usr/lib/nodejs/jake/jake.js:317:9) (See full trace by running task with --trace) david@Cloud1:/home/core/jake$

Iam unable to install Jake on debian os, please check this error.

jaredhanson commented 9 years ago

Closing. This has nothing to do with this project.