jaredhanson / passport-openidconnect

OpenID Connect authentication strategy for Passport and Node.js.
MIT License
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CallbackURL gets called but no passport callbacks are being called #17

Open mithun-daa opened 8 years ago

mithun-daa commented 8 years ago

Any idea why my passport callback or my serializer/deserailizer are not being called at all? My provider is authenticating the user and sends a token back to my callback. I did change it to use form_post.


passport.serializeUser(function (user, done) {
    console.log('in serialize');
        done(null, user);

passport.deserializeUser(function (user, done) {
    console.log('in de-serialize');
    done(null, user);

passport.use(new OidcStrategy({
    authorizationURL: 'https://localhost:44316/identity/connect/authorize',
    tokenURL: 'https://localhost:44316/identity/connect/token',
    userInfoURL: 'https://localhost:44316/identity/connect/userinfo',
    clientID: 'mvc',
    clientSecret: 'secret',
    callbackURL: '/callback',
    responseType: 'id_token',
    scope: ['profile']
}, function (iss, sub, profile, done) {
    console.log('In callback 1');

The passport.use callback never gets invoked.

jonathangaldino commented 4 years ago

You should call app.use(passport.initialize()) after passport being configured, maybe?

mdelnegro-lennd commented 10 months ago

I have same issue