Hi Jared, sorry to interrupt but I couldn't find your email anywhere. This is Wentao, I am a graphics programmer building on my own renderer.
Your PhD thesis (https://dl.acm.org/doi/book/10.5555/1571039) , in particular Chapter 6, was referenced several time in PBRT yet I didn't found a free access to the document. I wonder if it's possible to ask for a copy of your thesis? It could be of great help to build my renderer and your kindness is truly appreciated.
Hi Jared, sorry to interrupt but I couldn't find your email anywhere. This is Wentao, I am a graphics programmer building on my own renderer.
Your PhD thesis (https://dl.acm.org/doi/book/10.5555/1571039) , in particular Chapter 6, was referenced several time in PBRT yet I didn't found a free access to the document. I wonder if it's possible to ask for a copy of your thesis? It could be of great help to build my renderer and your kindness is truly appreciated.
Best, Wentao
If it matters, my renderer is published on https://github.com/w3ntao/pbrt-minus (still working in progress)