jaredlll08 / ModTweaker

ModTweaker is an addon for CraftTweaker, which provides Integration for an amount of mods.
MIT License
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a method available but none matches the parameters #774

Closed Darktotaled closed 3 years ago

Darktotaled commented 3 years ago

Issue Description:

Basically im trying to integrate ex nihilo gravel/sand/dust ores with tinkers construct, but not the base ones that comes with the mod but the ones generated by another one bites the dust. Pretty much all metals from Metallurgy 4 + osmium from Mekanism.

What happens:

Im getting errors saying im not using the correct way or correct parameters even though its the one here: http://minetweaker3.powerofbytes.com/wiki/ModTweaker:TConstruct_Support

What you expected to happen:

The ore blocks should be able to be melted on TC Smeltery

Script used (Please Pastebin or gist your script, posting an unpasted or ungist'd script will automatically close this issue): this is a part of the script as the other 3 are basically a repetition with small changes


also, i commented the lines that arent working due to aobd(fluid.aobd.anymetalhere) for some reason the fluid appears in crafting recipes but it doesnt appear on NEI if you search for it

Minetweaker.log file (Please Pastebin or gist your file, posting an unpasted or ungist'd file will automatically close this issue):

this log is just before i changed ExtraTiC:moltenAdamantine to Metallurgy:adamantine.molten. I didnt open minecraft again because i hardfroze and had to manually reboot. No alterations other than that


Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:

log file is above pastebin max size, so ill attach it here latest.log

also, this is what im using as parameter: tooltip

looking at this in the aforementioned site //Smeltery //InputStack, OutputFluid, TemperatureAmount, BlockRender mods.tconstruct.Smeltery.addMelting(, * 200, 200, );

minecraft:porkchop appears in the area called Code Name, so I used that designation for the inputstack, outputfluid and blockrender

jaredlll08 commented 3 years ago

1.7.10 is no longer supported.

You're also trying to pass items to a parameter that asks for a fluid.

Darktotaled commented 3 years ago

I see, thanks