Excellent progress, Jared! A have a few points of feedback that you should implement when you get to a good stopping point with your current feature this weekend / early next week.
Rendering & clearing errors
[x] Errors still persist on the page when switching from one form to the other (both through the nav links and through the browser's back button). To fix this, dispatch a clearSessionErrors action in componentWillUnmount.
[x] Session forms: When each input is focused, it should have a slightly thicker light-green border.
[ ] Splash page: "Content" link in top navbar (of splash page) should be bolder to match Evernote's links.
[ ] Splash page: The font of the value prop text in the green middle section should have a lighter weight, and the letters should be spaced out more. The letters in the tagline "Your notes. Organized. Effortless" should also be spaced further apart.
General & Splash Page
[x] Evernote is referenced in several spots (your splash page and forms) --> change all references to Permanote
[x] Dead links: There are "Create account" and "Sign in" links in the footer section of the splash page. These are redundant (and not on actual Evernote) --> repurpose this area for your personal links
Excellent progress, Jared! A have a few points of feedback that you should implement when you get to a good stopping point with your current feature this weekend / early next week.
Rendering & clearing errors
General & Splash Page
is referenced in several spots (your splash page and forms) --> change all references toPermanote