jaredpalmer / formik

Build forms in React, without the tears 😭
Apache License 2.0
33.73k stars 2.77k forks source link

Who uses Formik? #87

Open jaredpalmer opened 6 years ago

jaredpalmer commented 6 years ago

If your company is using Formik in production, please let us know who are you so we can mention you in the new README and forthcoming website.

Updated Instructions:

  1. Share your company name
  2. Share your logo (in which case it might be used in the readme / frontpage etc)
  3. What kind of project? How large? (code base size or team size)
  4. If your project is open source or public, please share a link!
eonwhite commented 6 years ago

Stardog Ventures (https://www.stardog.io)

iralution commented 6 years ago

elbstack (https://www.elbstack.com)

bcarroll22 commented 6 years ago

Prolio uses Formik pretty extensively. Not only that but we retroactively changed all of our forms over to it in very little time. Lots of messy class components that we got to simplify to functional components because of Formik 👍

guilhermedecampo commented 6 years ago

Astrocoders (https://astrocoders.com/). Formik is awesome!!!

cloud-walker commented 6 years ago


drewlustro commented 6 years ago

I'm working to replace Formsy, which is unfortunately not maintained frequently, with Formik at Capsule.

Has anyone used Formik by wrapping it in another custom higher-order component to grant standard enhancements for all your forms? If so, is there a pattern someone can reference me to study? (prefer one that uses Formik, but doesn't matter)

Magellol commented 6 years ago


julienvincent commented 6 years ago


dphaener commented 6 years ago

FermentAble - www.getfermentable.com

morrisallison commented 6 years ago


cjbell commented 6 years ago

Frame.io 😎

jonthomp commented 6 years ago

Distill Ventures for internal management tools

jbranchaud commented 6 years ago

We're using it for clients at Hashrocket.

rudeayelo commented 6 years ago

We use it at XING, currently setting it as the standard for validating forms in the XING E-Recruiting 360° apps.

mmahalwy commented 6 years ago


JCMais commented 6 years ago

We are using it at Entria!

lwih commented 6 years ago

It's becoming the standard from forms at Snowplow Analytics.

merelinguist commented 6 years ago

Hack Club 🚀

lucleray commented 6 years ago

We are using it for all our forms at Sequence.work.

elado commented 6 years ago


erickeno commented 6 years ago

we use it at HealthPlanSenior.org. Who said seniors cannot enjoy a nice form validation and flow.

joshmanders commented 6 years ago

NiftyCo uses it in all projects where we do React based stuff that has forms.

PenguinOfWar commented 6 years ago

Currently migrating from an old react-validation package to Formik on Sony Professional!

Edit: We deployed it a few weeks ago. Formik is amazing!

tdeekens commented 6 years ago

We use and love it at commercetools for quite large and complex forms.

lachlanjc commented 6 years ago

Hack Club uses it for our application form, feedback forms, admin tools, etc. 😀

ohbarye commented 6 years ago

StudySapuri, Japanese students' leaning platform. ✏️

aulisius commented 6 years ago

ResellerClub (https://india.resellerclub.com/). We :heart: Formik. We have a team of around 6 people working on a codebase of about 100k lines.

Here is the logo! rclub

michalczaplinski commented 6 years ago

envisioning.io 🙌⚡️!

georgeciubotaru commented 6 years ago


ceilat commented 5 years ago


anurag commented 5 years ago

Render. We've replaced all our forms with Formik.

davidsonfellipe commented 5 years ago

🚛 Loadsmart

Andrejs1979 commented 5 years ago

Payment.Ninja - Save 50% on payment fees

wachunga commented 5 years ago


mikecousins commented 5 years ago


KrustyC commented 5 years ago

Learning Ladders

bgdavidx commented 5 years ago




The project is roughly ~450K lines of code. 25 engineers. We have some of the largest companies in the world as clients (think Fortune 10)

kelkes commented 5 years ago

We are using Formik at trigo

trigo-logo-medium com

Our latest project has about 1.3 mil lines of code and 10 devs working on it. Started with redux-form and almost fully migrated to Formik now.

windheart commented 5 years ago


adithepnarula commented 5 years ago


meshuamam commented 5 years ago


ahartzog commented 5 years ago

NerdFitness Coaching https://www.nerdfitness.com/ nf-logo

Two developers; 191,605 lines of code; lots of love.

Formik is used in both the react-native app for clients, the web app for the coaches to manage their clients, and the web app for client functionality. Having the powerful and shared functionality is just wonderful.

sergiokopplin commented 5 years ago

https://www.seek.com.au/. What kind of project? Education Reviews. Medium Size. If your project is open source or public? We've made a lib to construct forms from a configuration file (json) using formik. Not open source yet.

vernondegoede commented 5 years ago


jaredpalmer commented 5 years ago

@sergiokopplin would be interested in seeing that lib. send me a DM.

dewey92 commented 5 years ago

Bloomon 💐

CDimonaco commented 5 years ago



We use Formik in very large codebases with approximately 20 developers.

sanpablomarket commented 5 years ago


martinvd commented 5 years ago


j-collier commented 5 years ago
