jaredpalmer / tsdx

Zero-config CLI for TypeScript package development
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How to use with StandardJS? Replace lint script? #761

Closed woss closed 4 years ago

woss commented 4 years ago

I see that we can customize the eslintrc but can we completely replace the linting process? I'm using the ts-standard in the project.

agilgur5 commented 4 years ago

can we completely replace the linting process?

Sure, you don't have to use tsdx lint at all, so one can opt-out of it entirely. You'll want to update your package.json.scripts.lint command and potentially the pre-commit hook as well though.

For ts-standard though, one can just add eslint-config-standard-with-typescript though. One has to install all the plugins as well unfortunately. I do that myself as the VSCode integration of ESLint is much better maintained than the Standard one.

Also @woss this is your second time filing an issue without using the issue template. Please do not remove the template, it is there for a reason.

woss commented 4 years ago

hi thanks for the answer but that was obvious. since I am new to this library I cannot possibly know will yarn lint break anything under the hood. thank you for the suggestions about ts-standard but I have pretty good setup already for listing.

Also @woss this is your second time filing an issue without using the issue template. Please do not remove the template, it is there for a reason.

i didn't delete the template, I just clicked under the suggested templates Don’t see your issue here? Open a blank issue. the https://github.com/formium/tsdx/issues/749 which 'template' would you chose, bug? feature?

woss commented 4 years ago

also you just helped me make a decision on will I use this or not. for that I thank you

agilgur5 commented 4 years ago

hi thanks for the answer but that was obvious.

Er, ok, well that's what you asked about... If you had something more specific in mind, I would highly recommend you actually write about what specifically you mean and your use-case. I can't read minds and I have to spend a lot more time interpreting questions with little-to-no details like #749

since I am new to this library I cannot possibly know will yarn lint break anything under the hood.

That would've been quite helpful to mention in your opening comment. It does not as I said in my first comment. The lint command is quite small and most of the commands are independent of each other, so they can be replaced -- build is really the core of TSDX. With some commands TSDX may do more configuration for you out-of-the-box to have some parity with build, but TSDX actually doesn't have full parity everywhere yet and that configuration could be copied. #634 aims to further decouple the configuration out-of-core which would solve some issues and make that clearer I think.

i didn't delete the template, I just clicked under the suggested templates Don’t see your issue here? Open a blank issue.

Ok, thanks for letting me know that. Will have to see if I can disable that.

the #749 which 'template' would you chose, bug? feature?

One of the purposes of the issue template is also to make the author of the issue decide that. Are you asking for a new feature? Or do you think you've found a bug? Like I said, I don't really know what you were asking about in #749 so I can't tell you that. Based on your later response, it sounds like you were asking for an additional feature to be added to the templates.