jaredsampson / pymolprobity

A MolProbity-style visualization plugin for PyMOL
MIT License
11 stars 3 forks source link

Update pymolprobity.tar.gz #9

Closed speleo3 closed 5 years ago

speleo3 commented 5 years ago

The tar.gz file was missing the latest fixes.

I suggest to remove that file at some point in the future. PyMOL's plugin manager should be able to install an archive snapshot from github. Unfortunately, previous versions fail because of the "tests" folder (PyMOL expects a single package, not two), that was fixed in https://github.com/schrodinger/pymol-open-source/commit/4252f8ab145b

The second commit is a cosmetic fix which suppresses a warning about spaces in object names.

jaredsampson commented 5 years ago

Thanks, Thomas. If I delete the .tar.gz in the future, what would be the best URL to use when installing via the plugin manager?

speleo3 commented 5 years ago

Any of the archive links, e.g. master or a tagged version:

Download, then use "Install from local file" in the plugin manager and browse for the zip file.

rafaeltiveron commented 5 years ago

Not working. "Unable to install plugin", message from Pymol. Which is the correct installation for Pymol 2.1.0?

rafaeltiveron commented 5 years ago

I deleted "test" folder and it installed. Thanks