jarek-foksa / xel

Xel - Widget toolkit for building native-like Electron and Web apps
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Having trouble with x-select toggled please anyone help me. #107

Closed abyjohnson5 closed 3 years ago

abyjohnson5 commented 3 years ago

I followed https://xel-toolkit.org/setup these steps and while using x-select with toggled there is no pre-selection is showing up. and when trying to pick one from the options console shows an error "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'getBoundingClientRect' of undefined at xel.min.js:11563"

jarek-foksa commented 3 years ago

How did you declare the select widget? If possible please attach the markup here.

Aby-Johnson commented 3 years ago


Australia Canada Ireland New Zealand United Kingdom United States " All as same described in the official doc
jarek-foksa commented 3 years ago

So it works for you on https://xel-toolkit.org/elements/x-select, but not when you include the same markup on your website? Are you using some virtual DOM framework to render the views?

jarek-foksa commented 3 years ago

The code you attached is not complete, note that all <x-menuitem> elements must be inside <x-menu>.

Aby-Johnson commented 3 years ago


Unable to set pre selected value. Toggled attribute is not working

jarek-foksa commented 3 years ago

Xel project underwent a major rewrite recently. If you can still reproduce this issue, please open a new issue.