jarek-foksa / xel

Xel - Widget toolkit for building native-like Electron and Web apps
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declaration for iconset default possible? #30

Closed sandor closed 7 years ago

sandor commented 7 years ago


I am constructing a tab menu with icons in angular wit ng-repeat. Some of the icons are using the default iconset and some not. I would like to get my icons via my controller like this: { title: 'Four', url: 'templates/style_menu.html', ticon: 'style', custom: '' }, { title: 'Five', url: 'templates/text_menu.html', ticon: 'text', custom: 'images/icons.svg' },

Where custom would be the path to the custom iconset:

`<x-button ng-repeat="tab in tabs" skin="tabnav" ng-class="{active:isActiveTab(tab.url)}" ng-click="onClickTab(tab)">


My problem: If I am leaving the iconset="" – empty the default icons are not showing up.

So short question: is it somehow possible to declare iconset="default"

jarek-foksa commented 7 years ago

This should be fixed in version 0.0.45, iconset="" should have the same effect as no iconset attribute, i.e. default iconset should be used.