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[JSON-LD Context]: owl:DataProperty `@type` refers to data type (`"schema:rangeIncludes"."@id"` in ontology) #16

Closed kshychko closed 1 month ago

kshychko commented 1 month ago

For example for DPP context guaranteeOfOriginCredential:

    "@context": {
        "dpp": "https://test.uncefact.org/vocabulary/untp/dpp/",
        "xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#",
        "id": "@id",
        "type": "@type",
        "@version": 1.1,
        "ProductPassport": {
            "@id": "dpp:ProductPassport",
            "@type": "@id",
            "@context": {
                "guaranteeOfOriginCredential": {
                    "@id": "dpp:guaranteeOfOriginCredential",
                    "@type": "xsd:string"

and the corresponding definition in the vocabulary

    "@id": "DigitalProductPassport:guaranteeOfOriginCredential",
    "@type": [
    "rdfs:label": "guaranteeOfOriginCredential",
    "schema:rangeIncludes": {
        "@id": "xsd:string"
    "schema:domainIncludes": {
        "@id": "DigitalProductPassport:ProductPassport"
    "rdfs:comment": "A conformity credential issued by a trusted authority that confirms some or all of the claims made in this product passport"
kshychko commented 1 month ago
