jarhot1992 / Remote-ADB

This is a powerful mobile adb shell & Toolbox.
Apache License 2.0
712 stars 102 forks source link

Android 14, not a bug... #146

Open CamsShaft opened 8 months ago

CamsShaft commented 8 months ago

A much easier way to get local adb is to use pop up view. It's just like having two computer monitors and the pairing box stays in the screen until you're connected. Super convenient and very easy. Sorry @jarhot1992 if this is already written down somewhere here. I didn't want to read through a ton of stuff and figured it would be easier here. Do what you like with this info. Thanks for the great app and happy new year!

CamsShaft commented 8 months ago

Also, wtf is with github and people not writing anything down in issues? It's all over the repos and either a bunch of nonsense or empty space. If you can't figure out how to use this website, you should not be entertaining the thought of getting into development or anything that could potentially modify your phone. Is there actually an answer or has everyone just accepted this as a standard now? Haha.