jarischaefer / docker-librenms

Docker image for LibreNMS
MIT License
115 stars 37 forks source link

Basic support question, sorry jaris - librenms twice on same system? #143

Closed jaxjexjox closed 1 year ago

jaxjexjox commented 1 year ago


I am thinking of spinning up a second librenms to play with on my existing production system. New container name (MariaDB2, LibreNMS2) for example. New storage location for the data as well

I'm reading the setup tutorial, I'm just a bit concerned about this command: sudo docker run --rm jarischaefer/docker-librenms:latest generate_key

I suspect it'll be fine but I wanted to be sure?

E-t-z commented 1 year ago

Should be fine, key is container specific.

jaxjexjox commented 1 year ago

That's the thing, I have a 'production' container called librenms running, right now which I would very much, hate to break or mess with, in any capacity.

If you look at the command itself it doesn't appear to specify a container (or I know less about docker than I thought) - it references an image, creates a key and then presumably, gets rid of that container?

jarischaefer commented 1 year ago

@jaxjexjox The --rm is used to automatically remove the temporary container used to generate an initial key. Without it, you would have to run docker rm name afterwards (docker ps -a would display an exited, yet unremoved, container). It will not directly affect other running containers.

jaxjexjox commented 1 year ago

Guys thank you, it did work and I meant to come back and say thanks. Spun up 2 copies right now, working well.

One day I'll hassle you all (or perhaps the internet as a whole) on how to backup my database (properly) as it's slowly becoming more and more important to us as I improve the content within it. Another time

Thanks all for help!