jarischaefer / docker-librenms

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Am I using the correct syntax to adjust polling rate. #149

Open jaxjexjox opened 1 month ago

jaxjexjox commented 1 month ago

I have added the following line to my docker-compose.yaml file, in the environment section.

I am unsure how I can actually tell if this is the current rate of polling, have I done this correctly? I would like to adjust my alerting and poller rate as I'm tired of a machine having a single ping problem for 10 seconds, coming up in an alert.

I have identified, from the poller webui that my total polling time is currently 30 seconds, so I thought 3 minutes would be a nice middle ground - setting my alerts to say 7 minutes.

Does this make sense?

jaxjexjox commented 1 month ago

Ok never mind I've found this discussion, which stipulates the use of quotation marks.


It may be worth updating documentation here, specifying the required quotation marks: https://github.com/jarischaefer/docker-librenms/blob/master/README.md

Also If you know what I can check, to identify my current rate somewhere I'd love that, please - thank you.

jarischaefer commented 2 weeks ago

Log files on disk or the WebUI should provide information about polling (see screenshot). polling

The current polling rate is either the default or whatever you have set. It is best to ask the LibreNMS community directly about alerting etc.

jaxjexjox commented 2 weeks ago

As usual thank you so much for replying! That info will be useful in future to clarify the correct polling rate via the log, I'll check my server shortly.

Unfortunately the reason I asked, completely spiraled into a far larger problem for me, well beyond my limited understanding.

I was wanting to stop getting alerts on my dashboard. Unfortunately the "delay" function on alert creation, will delay the notification of the alert, the alert itself still exists. Basically I don't want certain systems / devices to even be marked as down, unless they've been down for a particular amount of time (I monitor things on either flakey networks or devices of medium to low importance)

This means my dashboard, for my colleagues has many alerts (and recovieries) for some systems, missing a single ping. I don't want to even know if some systems weren't down for at least 25 minutes.

I discussed it here: https://old.reddit.com/r/LibreNMS/comments/1em2hr5/is_it_possible_to_adjust_alerts_per_device/ and here: https://community.librenms.org/t/some-very-basic-help-for-someone-trying-to-understand-and-improve-alerting/25031/13

I suspect I will need to learn vastly more about the content stored in the SQL database and how to manipulate the alerts significantly, to make different alerts for different priority systems.

Example: very important system, basically the current ICMP default alert

macros.device_down = yes & devices.status_reason= icmp = system is down

However, less important system:

macros.device_down = yes & devices.status_reason= icmp & macros.device_down = "was at least 600 seconds ago and hasn't come up once in that time" (In laymen terms obivously)

I have no idea how to code that in the alert rules but it seems the only way, I'm able to stop things appearing on my dashboard which are in a 'tentative' state but not officially down.