jarischaefer / docker-librenms

Docker image for LibreNMS
MIT License
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IPMI Poller failure #95

Closed kedare closed 5 years ago

kedare commented 5 years ago


When trying to poll from IPMI I cannot get it to work, I get the following debug output

#### Load poller module ipmi ####
SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors WHERE device_id = ? AND poller_type='ipmi' [13] 2.29ms]
Fetching IPMI sensor data...SNMP[/usr/bin/ipmitool -I imb -c  -H HOSTNAME -u USER -P PASSWORD -L USER sdr 2>/dev/null]
Error: no IMB driver found at /dev/imb!

Error: no IMB driver found at /dev/imb!

>> Runtime for poller module 'ipmi': 0.0547 seconds with 2752 bytes
>> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] RRD: [3/0.00s]
#### Unload poller module ipmi ####

Do I have something specific to configure on the container ? Thanks

jarischaefer commented 5 years ago

Is /dev/imb available inside the container (check using docker exec containername ls -al /dev)?

Perhaps you just need to mount it? As a last resort, you could try passing --privileged to docker run.