I was successfully able to upload the sketch to the ESP32 and the device was able to built-up a connectivity to my MQTT Server.
However although the connection was built, no MQTT message is transfered to the server although in the serial monitor I can see that a lot of BLE Devices were found , but nothing is transfered.
The issue must be site here arround in this coding:
I was successfully able to upload the sketch to the ESP32 and the device was able to built-up a connectivity to my MQTT Server.
However although the connection was built, no MQTT message is transfered to the server although in the serial monitor I can see that a lot of BLE Devices were found , but nothing is transfered.
The issue must be site here arround in this coding:
payloadString.getBytes(message_char_buffer, payloadString.length() + 1); result = client.publish("/beacons/office", message_char_buffer, payloadString.length(), false); Serial.print("PUB Result: "); Serial.println(result);
If I look to the serial monitor I can see that the Serial.println(result) = 0
If I just use the following coding as a demo: "client.publish("/beacons/office", "hello World")" The message arrived on the MQTT Server
Any tip here? I didnt touch the code