jarmo / RAutomation

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keybd_event superseded #135

Open ls5302 opened 2 years ago

ls5302 commented 2 years ago

I note from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-keybd_event that the keybd_event function, which is used to implement send_key functionality, has been superseded by SendInput.

I have monkey patched the Win32::Windows class to test, and the change appears straight forward:

def kb_input(wVk, flag)
  input = Array.new(7, 0)
  input[0] = 0x1
  input[1] = wVk
  input[2] = flag
  input.pack "L*"

def send_input(*inputs)
  Functions.send_input inputs.size, inputs.join, inputs[0].size

def press_key(key)
  send_input kb_input(key, 0)

def release_key(key)
  send_input kb_input(key, Constants::KEYEVENTF_KEYUP)

Is this of any use to you?

jarmo commented 2 years ago

Hello! Thanks for the information.

Can you say if that solves any problem with RAutomation? I can imagine that it might create a problem where RAutomation might stop working on older Windows versions due to this change.