jarohen / chord

A library designed to bridge the gap between the triad of CLJ/CLJS, web-sockets and core.async.
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Meeting user expectations at first encounter #11

Closed danielsz closed 10 years ago

danielsz commented 10 years ago

Thank you for writing this library.

I ran the example project to explore chord, a first encounter if you will.

Anything I type in the text box yields the following message:

{:error :invalid-json, :invalid-msg "{:received \"You passed: '\\\"Hi there\\\"' at Wed Mar 26 16:28:23 IST 2014.\"}"}

Granted, I can see that a bidirectional communication channel is established, which is the most important thing I expect from a websockets library. I suppose you will explain that data needs to be passed a certain way. Still, I'm not expecting to see format errors in the demo. Alternatively, please provide instructions on the example page.

jarohen commented 10 years ago

Hi Daniel, thanks for getting in touch!

My apologies about the bug in the sample project - turns out it was as simple as the project.clj referring to an old version of Chord, but you're quite right that the example project should be 100% correct so that the first impressions are good.

I hope that this fixes the issue - if you've got any questions, feel free to ask!


danielsz commented 10 years ago

Good work, James. :+1: Thanks.