jarohen / chord

A library designed to bridge the gap between the triad of CLJ/CLJS, web-sockets and core.async.
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An obvious point in retrospect, but: #26

Closed Gastove closed 9 years ago

Gastove commented 9 years ago

As a general public service, it might be worth mentioning this here: until tonight, I've been using the jetty ring adapter for serving http -- as, I suspect many other folk do. (The Heroku docs all assume this, for instance). But: ring-jetty-adapter is based on jetty... 7.

Which doesn't have websockets.

The errors one gets are comically unhelpful. Compojure barfs Render errors. All your sockets are mysteriously nil. Cool story, Jetty 7.

Anywho, a word to people using websockets, and by extention, chord: http-kit.

jarohen commented 9 years ago

Yep, agreed, thanks for the note! I'd hoped that the namespace being chord.http-kit might have been a pointer ;) Understand that people probably aren't looking too closely at that though, it's easily missed, so you're right - it's worth a note in the README.

Cheers :)


Gastove commented 9 years ago

And in fact: chord.http-kit was the hint that finally helped me figure it out ;-) It's just a layers-of-abstraction + useless error messages problem, right? I had never wondered which version of Jetty ring was using, the errors all looked like Compojure problems. Whee!

In any case, great library, and bless you for being responsive on the issue tracker. :D

jarohen commented 9 years ago

No worries :)

Agreed, definitely not the most helpful of error messages!