jarohen / chord

A library designed to bridge the gap between the triad of CLJ/CLJS, web-sockets and core.async.
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Error when using `chord.http` in ClojureScript #28

Closed colinkahn closed 9 years ago

colinkahn commented 9 years ago

Requiring chord.http in my ClojureScript application causes:

Caused by: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Referred var fressian-cljs.fns/lookup does not exist at line 1 file:/Users/me/.m2/repository/net/unit8/fressian-cljs/0.1.0/fressian-cljs-0.1.0.jar!/fressian_cljs/reader.cljs

This is using version 0.5.0

EDIT: This also happens when I require chord.client as well.

jarohen commented 9 years ago

Hi Colin - thanks for the report. This looks like a requiring error upstream in Fressian - that reader.cljs file requires in the lookup function but doesn't ever use it, so it should be pretty straightforward to remove it.

Will file a PR with them now.


jarohen commented 9 years ago

Hi Colin - I've now moved binary support out to a separate namespace, as of 0.6.0, so this should now work?

colinkahn commented 9 years ago

Yup, it's fixed. Thanks!