jarohen / chord

A library designed to bridge the gap between the triad of CLJ/CLJS, web-sockets and core.async.
439 stars 40 forks source link

Remove dependencyon com.cemerick/urls #52

Closed AlexHill closed 7 years ago

AlexHill commented 7 years ago

Hi James,

I can't see that chord actually uses anything from com.cemerick/urls, and it adds about 14MB of dependencies to uberjars built with a dependency on chord:

alexh@box:~/chord$ lein uberjar
Created /home/alexh/chord/target/chord-0.7.0.jar
Created /home/alexh/chord/target/chord-0.7.0-standalone.jar
alexh@box:~/chord$ ls -lh target/chord-0.7.0-standalone.jar 
-rw-rw-r-- 1 alexh alexh 21M Feb 17 11:12 target/chord-0.7.0-standalone.jar
alexh@box:~/chord$ vim project.clj # REMOVE DEPENDENCY
alexh@box:~/chord$ lein uberjar
Created /home/alexh/chord/target/chord-0.7.0.jar
Created /home/alexh/chord/target/chord-0.7.0-standalone.jar
alexh@box:~/chord$ ls -lh target/chord-0.7.0-standalone.jar 
-rw-rw-r-- 1 alexh alexh 7.2M Feb 17 11:13 target/chord-0.7.0-standalone.jar

Would be great to cut this down!

Thanks, Alex

jarohen commented 7 years ago

Thanks Alex - have removed the dependency and released 0.8.0.

