jarohen / flow

Lightweight library to help you write dynamic CLJS webapps
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f/root keeps appending #10

Closed whodidthis closed 7 years ago

whodidthis commented 9 years ago

With react & co. remounting/rooting is used to rerender which translates to easy figwheel development (js-onload #(remount)).

Would this be possible in flow instead of appending on f/root?


jarohen commented 9 years ago

Sure, no worries, it's a bug I've just fixed so should go in with the next release (which will should be in the next day or so)



jarohen commented 9 years ago

I tell a lie - it should already be in 0.3.0-alpha3?

Thanks for checking out Flow btw - let me know if there's anything that would make it easier/anything you think's missing!


whodidthis commented 9 years ago

Ok I did have misconfigured checkouts, thought I was running latest, but even with alpha3 (do (remount) (remount)) results in two elements.

Also does Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null ring any bells? Really wish I knew where that was coming from but figwheel loses the stack trace. Might be something unrelated though

Edit: the latter is probably something figwheel related dont worry about that

jarohen commented 9 years ago

No worries - was trying to work out the commit ordering on GitHub mobile so entirely possible I misread it - will check when I'm next in front of my computer.

I've not seen that error before, would it be possible for you to post a snippet / sample project?


whodidthis commented 9 years ago

Ok i think i confirmed the weird error a figwheel issue, sorry about that

jarohen commented 9 years ago

That's OK, thanks for reporting it - good to have it documented if someone else comes across it!