jarolrod / vim-python-ide

Python development config
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[deoplete] deoplete requires vim-hug-neovim-rpc plugin in Vim. #9

Closed SuleymanSuleymanzade closed 4 years ago

SuleymanSuleymanzade commented 5 years ago

Hello I have tons of error after installing this vimrc

pythonist@Linuxoid:~$ vim
Error detected while processing /home/pythonist/.vim/vimrc:
line  393:
E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version: python3 << EOF
line  394:
E492: Not an editor command: import vim
line  395:
E492: Not an editor command: import git
line  396:
E492: Not an editor command: def is_git_repo():
line  397:
E488: Trailing characters: ^Itry:
line  398:
E492: Not an editor command: ^I^I_ = git.Repo('.', search_parent_directories=True).git_dir
line  399:
E133: :return not inside a function
line  400:
E492: Not an editor command: ^Iexcept:
line  401:
E133: :return not inside a function
line  402:
E682: Invalid search pattern or delimiter
line  403:
E492: Not an editor command: EOF

and it appears with error [deoplete] deoplete requires vim-hug-neovim-rpc plugin in Vim. and it looks ugly (not like on the picture) screenshot from 2019-01-07 22-55-13

my vim version is

pythonist@Linuxoid:~$ vim --version
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.1 (2018 May 18, compiled Jan  7 2019 21:56:22)
Included patches: 1-700
Compiled by pythonist@Linuxoid
Huge version without GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
+acl               +extra_search      +mouse_netterm     +tag_old_static
+arabic            +farsi             +mouse_sgr         -tag_any_white
+autocmd           +file_in_path      -mouse_sysmouse    -tcl
+autochdir         +find_in_path      +mouse_urxvt       +termguicolors
-autoservername    +float             +mouse_xterm       +terminal
-balloon_eval      +folding           +multi_byte        +terminfo
+balloon_eval_term -footer            +multi_lang        +termresponse
-browse            +fork()            -mzscheme          +textobjects
++builtin_terms    +gettext           +netbeans_intg     +textprop
+byte_offset       -hangul_input      +num64             +timers
+channel           +iconv             +packages          +title
+cindent           +insert_expand     +path_extra        -toolbar
-clientserver      +job               -perl              +user_commands
-clipboard         +jumplist          +persistent_undo   +vartabs
+cmdline_compl     +keymap            +postscript        +vertsplit
+cmdline_hist      +lambda            +printer           +virtualedit
+cmdline_info      +langmap           +profile           +visual
+comments          +libcall           -python            +visualextra
+conceal           +linebreak         -python3           +viminfo
+cryptv            +lispindent        +quickfix          +vreplace
+cscope            +listcmds          +reltime           +wildignore
+cursorbind        +localmap          +rightleft         +wildmenu
+cursorshape       -lua               -ruby              +windows
+dialog_con        +menu              +scrollbind        +writebackup
+diff              +mksession         +signs             -X11
+digraphs          +modify_fname      +smartindent       -xfontset
-dnd               +mouse             +startuptime       -xim
-ebcdic            -mouseshape        +statusline        -xpm
+emacs_tags        +mouse_dec         -sun_workshop      -xsmp
+eval              -mouse_gpm         +syntax            -xterm_clipboard
+ex_extra          -mouse_jsbterm     +tag_binary        -xterm_save
   system vimrc file: "$VIM/vimrc"
     user vimrc file: "$HOME/.vimrc"
 2nd user vimrc file: "~/.vim/vimrc"
      user exrc file: "$HOME/.exrc"
       defaults file: "$VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim"
  fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/local/share/vim"
Compilation: gcc -c -I. -Iproto -DHAVE_CONFIG_H     -O2 -fno-strength-reduce -Wall -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1       
Linking: gcc   -L/usr/local/lib -Wl,--as-needed -o vim        -lm -ltinfo -lnsl  -ldl           

I use Ubuntu 18.10 What should I do to avoid these errors ? Thank you