jaroschek / home-assistant-myuplink

Custom Home Assistant integration for devices and sensors in myUplink account.
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Alpha Innotec HPC (Jersey) missing many values and almost all controls #100

Open fsedarkalex opened 2 months ago

fsedarkalex commented 2 months ago


I am successfully using this integration but unfortunately for my device many settings and status points are missing.

Some examples:

All these are possible on myuplink.com so I think the endpoints and values should be in place. There are many more options in myuplink, but the ones above are these which I think are of highest importance.

Another info I'd like - but I havent found that on myuplink (but maybe the API gives more data?) - is whether the system is in heating or cooling mode.

7RST1 commented 2 months ago

1.2.3 was just released possibly including a fix to this issue. On my end, the issue stopped the fetching process of parameters midway, leaving some working. Looks like you have something similar.

Could you check again with 1.2.3?

jaroschek commented 2 months ago

Have you checked the API like described in the README? https://github.com/jaroschek/home-assistant-myuplink?tab=readme-ov-file#debugging-misbehaving-entities

This integration does only provide entities for parameter points present in the public API. And unfortunately the manufacturers support of the public API is not very consistent.

It is known that the myUplink dashboard has much more to offer than the public API does. This is also already discussed in #48 as the dashboard is using an other API that could be used.

fsedarkalex commented 2 months ago

I updated.

Meanwhile I found the hot water temp. Seems like I totally missed that sensor... Its called "hot water charging temp" 😆

But the luxury setting is still only a binary toggle, the hot water mode is not exposed and the cooling/warming mode indicator is also not exposed (but I did not find that on the website either).

Will have a look at what @jaroschek said later.

(Only documenting the progress, this is not blaming or complaining)