jaroschek / home-assistant-myuplink

Custom Home Assistant integration for devices and sensors in myUplink account.
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Debugging missing some writeable values #105

Open soulfire89 opened 2 months ago

soulfire89 commented 2 months ago

Hey @jaroschek , I've bought myuplink premium manage today and I'm missing some writable values. I thought it would be possible to set all writeable values, but I only got these three when starting the integration: image

And I'm missing at least: "parameterId": "40940", "parameterName": "Grad­minuten",

"parameterId": "50004", "parameterName": "Vorüber­gehen­der Luxus", "parameterUnit": "", "writable": true,

The values I'm missing in the part /v2/devices/{deviceId}/points are:


Would be really great if you find a possibility to integrate all values which are somehow not inside myuplink-API