jaroschek / home-assistant-myuplink

Custom Home Assistant integration for devices and sensors in myUplink account.
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Very limited options for control (F730) #37

Closed Matmarknaden closed 7 months ago

Matmarknaden commented 7 months ago

As a start, this is one of my first home automation topics... I do however not succesfully integrate to / from my F730. All values is properly able to be read in my Home assistant but not able to change (write) anything else then increased fan speed as well as temporary lux (water temp). So extrem difference from given prntscr (sample). Specifically, I am interested in changing the "decrease from reference" (as I can do in the MyUplink App)... Yes I have a MyUplink premium subscription.

Using Swagger ..."parameterName": "De­crease from refer­ence value", "writable": false... any way around this?

Anyone experienced something similiar and if possible, pls guide me into solutions :)

Matmarknaden commented 7 months ago

Error checked with “myuplink support”. Caused by a bug which is under resolution