jaroschek / home-assistant-myuplink

Custom Home Assistant integration for devices and sensors in myUplink account.
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Unable to change client identifier and secret #51

Closed woodex1981 closed 5 months ago

woodex1981 commented 5 months ago

Hello, to start with i have tried to start the integration, added identifier and secret but got error in https://api.myuplink.com/ "Sorry, there was an error : unauthorized_client"

After that i have created a new application in dev.myuplink.com and deleted old one (was thinking that was an issue)

Now i have the problem in home assistant that i can not change client identifier and secret, even if i delete integration and make a new installation i am being forwarded directly to https://api.myuplink.com/oauth/error with no option to change identifier and secret.

How can i resolve this??
